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In THE REALM OF SUPERIORITY [and other delusions]:
Once a GOD who demands WORSHIP is established in the mind, then one enters the realm of SUPERIORITY/INFERIORITY/RULERSHIP/SUBJECTION et al. The mind has been forced out of the Realm of Equality, Equity, Equanimity etc.
What more needs be said? This does not mean that spiritual experience is not beyond human experience. The Psychiatrist General advises that one be conscious of superstitiousness and that you bring your eternally unprovable ideas to others carefully or risk being considered a kook. Brian "Non-Unanimous" Joyce -- March 15, 2012
"Is there evidence somewhere which proves that working is more difficult than not working?" Brian "Non-unanimous" Joyce -- 2012
An atheist is a man who watches a Notre Dame - Southern Methodist University game and doesn't care who wins.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life. -- The Geico Gecko - 2011
Can people, a people, raised entirely under supervision and institutionalization possibly have a concept of freedom?
May 2011: Speaking as someone who has been jailed in America from Hyannis to Los Angeles and from Seattle to Miami I would like to report that I have never witnessed any sexual activity of any kind while in jail: not rape, not consensual sex, not masturbation; as is to be reasonably expected from a random group of men who have been thrown into oppressive circumstances with potentially nonstop surveillance. Some people (cluck cluck) have strange (fearful) ideas about the behavior of men. I find it amusing (not) that the gutless sellouts who haven't yet found a reason to go to jail against the United S___heads of America continue to perpetuate the belief that going to jail should be something to denigrate and make shameful. I wonder what their stand on torture is? Have you heard about the sexual activities of the hero Chilean Coal Miners? Oh, that's right . . . they're National Anthem singing good people. Ha Ha Ha
Verbatim from a High School Football report by PBS FRONTLINE:
"In the 2010 Trinity progam I counted.....
84 Players
147 Band Members (co-ed)
17 Flag Corps (co-ed)
41 Drill Team
20 Varsity Cheerleaders
10 Spirit Team (co-ed)
Kids total. This does not include the school newspaper, mascots,
student trainers, and who knows what else down on the field or in the
stands.The school has around 3000 students ranging from 10-12 grade which makes it an average size Texas 5A high school."
THE PSYCHIATRIST GENERAL comments to PBS FRONTLINE following the airing of MONEY AND MARCH MADNESS a video documentary addressing money issues in the religion of American Sports:
Banners, flags, bands, processions, rites, uniforms, muscle, devotion, geocentrism, fanatic institutional loyalty, national anthem required and little boy ball games to make it all seem innocent. They call it MARCH MADNESS. I call it Propaganda Events to Promote American Fascist Culture. How extreme of me to make such a charge in country which routinely holds Wars, Suffers from Obesity and Hoarding, Skyrocketing Prison Poputlation: Man, couldn't we all use a beer (or six) and a ball game to remind us that we live in the Greatest Country That God Ever Put On This Earth.
Recommended: MONEY AND MARCH MADNESS: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/money-and-march-madness/?utm_campaign=homepage&utm_medium=bigimage&utm_source=bigimage
Recommended: BEER AND CIRCUS a book by Murray Sperber c2000 published by Henry Holt and Company
Recommended: TRIUMPH OF THE WILL a 1934 film by Leni Riefenstahl now available as a video online.
Never underestimate the power of
stupid people in large numbers.
April 4, 2011--
PSYCHOLOGICAL ADDICTION: When I was arrested in Rhode Island while hitchhiking in 1984 (and held for over 100 days without due process) I couldn't help but take note of the habits of the inmates inside Rhode Island's jail. Cigarette smoking was way beyond levels on the outside. My rough estimate was that 75% of prisoners were smokers. But more surprising to me was fingernail biting. My rough estimate was that 90% of prisoners were biters and quite often at painfully short cuticle levels.
So there you have it: a psychologically addictive material which is regularly used and abused by those dastardly, evil second class citizens - accused criminals. Still, I don't know of anyone who is pushing for laws to stop the possession of fingernails: a psychologically addictive substance. I'd be in favor of prohibiting fingernail possession for those who favor the prohibition of Marijuana.
Related questions: Suppose crime rates went down significantly if the almighty schools made an effort to stop nail biting? Where are the lowest nailbiting rates nationally and worldwide? And what sort of benefits, if any, can be inferred?
Late March 2011: This is not the location to register for "I'm Not Smarter Than A Fifth Grader -- Euphoric Substances Division"
Any claim that marijuana is addictive has as much quality as the argument that "I was SHOCKED to learn that I had become an alcoholic from just beer." You can be certain that there will be more illogicalities to follow from characters so lacking in the ability to grasping facts.
Yes. I'm sorry that your father took you to your first ball game when you were six-years old; just as his father took him to his first ball game; your father went to war just as his father did. Choosing the road to your own personal sanity means growing past the stupidity of your parents. When one can't accept the stupidity of one's parents it suggests that you are a big baby with a life littered with big and small regrettably violent events -- just like your parents.
After listening to the recent "State of the Union" Address (and it's opposition reply) I am most impressed by the unquestioned GEOCENTRIC BIGOTRY that is expressed. Let me go on record as suggesting that the Greatest Country on Earth is Haiti. Although I admit that Haiti's geographic boundry with the Dominican Republic is as arbitrary and ridiculous as those between the US, Canada, and Mexico. Geographic borders must be some kind of mass social mental disorder. That's why The Psychiatrist General has raised the issue. Of course, each time an American recites the vanity "God Bless America" the absurdity that GOD defines the political geography of the status quo nation is reinforced.
Too Many Sheriffs and not enough Pioneers.
Fireworks? I'm not that impressed with your lack of fear of gunfire. I'm more impressed with a person's lack of fear of the lack of gunfire.
THE L WORDS: Living is For Loving, Learning and Laboring. Leisure is allowed as long as it involves one of the other three.
BJoyce'sFirst Law of Physics: With what ever ease and speed that you get there: so with equal ease and speed will there eventually reach you.
You say you'd like to think but you got a job instead? And then you want to promote the "Work Ethic"?
"AHHHHHHHHH AMERICA ! Four Hundred years of War and no end in sight !"
Open Letter to National Public Radio's ALL THINGS CONSIDERED:
Allow me to quote from my September complaint against WBUR to the FCC (paragraph numbered 7): ". . .to take it for granted that all of its public broadcast listeners have an interest in these games is totalitarian in spirit."
Yesterday, on November 8th's ALL THINGS CONSIDERED, Good Ol' Boys Bob Segal and Wade Goodwin had a radio dialogue about football. I should point out that I usually turn off such non-compostable garbage talk but my hands were full and I only caught a few sentences, hardly enough to get the gist but I did get Goodwin TAKING ME FOR GRANTED. He made the statement that some billion dollar stadium has a "big screen TV that every man dreams of" (paraphrased). Jock talkers so often seem to believe that their crappy cultural habit is enjoyed by everyone and those who don't enjoy it aren't worth CONSIDERing. What's not CONSIDERED:
Speaking as a MAN, let me remind Goodwin and his facilitator that this is one MAN who doesn't dream about any tv contained in any stadium.
Speaking as a visual artist who will now volunteer to speak for a constituency which is not my own -- BLIND MEN: we don't dream about the tv contained in any stadium.
Speaking as a MAKER OF PICTURES to hang on precious wall space, I don't have pleasant dreams of any oversized tv in any stadium.
Speaking as someone who is apparently more devoted to, (rather than sold out for) RADIO than Good Ole' Boy tv fans Segal and Goodwin: I don't dream about any big screen tv contained in any stadium.
Speaking as a POOR MAN who is usually too busy being PRODUCTIVE to allow the distractions of what is offered on on the tv, I do not dream of any tv contained in any stadium.
Speaking as an ORGANIC MAN I suspect that Mr. Goodwin's stadium tv is loaded with and has created plenty of toxic wastes and I don't dream of any tv in any stadium.
Who is this "Every Man" of which Wade Goodwin speaks? I would like it CONSIDERED that the appropriate adjective is "Stupid". The "Stupid Man". The sentence should be: ". . . the stadium has a big screen tv that the stupid man dreams of . . . ."
Let it appear on the gravestones, obituaries and memorials of stupid men how much of their life's time was spent watching commercials for razors, junk food, and beer; for the benefit of the hours of their precious life's time wasted watching boys playing with their balls. Games always preceded by the anthem of the government that makes occupations and wars around the world and followed by flags to be pledged.
I prefer not to be a stupid man and, corresponding to the Women's Liberation of my youth (and beyond), let me briefly lift the veil for Segal and Goodwin: BEHOLD it is Men's Lib. I will not accept your stupid gender stereotype . . . and its entertainments.
Brian Joyce____________________________________________________
An assembly of paragraphs: pick one
1) For years (mostly yelling on the streets) I have been posing some questions related to a society which gives so much attention to sports -- a scatological madman howling sociological/psychological questions which I still find left insufficiently answered. Where the hell are the social sciences?* [see addenda below]
2) Fundamental questions: Are these ubiquitous major league ball games and their grade school versions healthy and desirable? For society? And for the childhood audience that their addictive-substance, alcohol-sponsored, games target? And if they are, is the alleged social unity and reflected community pride healthy and desirable? Are these (flimsy) social pride virtues really desirable when it is predictable that there will always be dissidents and refuseniks { :) } amid a society of rabid adherents? But even if the games are healthy, there are the habitat issues: Are the regular downtown traffic coronaries healthy? To the drivers? To the residents? To the neighborhood habitat for humanity and wildlife?
3) I've always got other questions cooking: How far would children take ball gaming without the supervision, encouragement, and domination of adults? I hypothesize that children would take ball playing -- on their own -- about as far as wild horses would be to regularly race around a track on their own.
4) I consider it OBSCENITY for an adult to continue to perform BEFORE CHILDREN with a bleeding ankle injury for the sake of a ball game.
Sports is not, as they say, the Allegory of Life. (Unless one considers life to be a totalitarian situation with a potentially abusive coaching staff and an ever present referee breathing down your neck.) Sports is an Allegory of War.
5) Maybe it's just me but when I consider the variety of activities of my childhood, many of which involved some aspect of exploring, to assign any significant importance of my boyhood to any kind of ball field, to even suggest that it was the center of my childhood, is to assign my past to a poverty of experience. Would we put the characters of Mark Twain or Charles Dickens in ball uniforms? Could the panoramas of these characters exist if their lives circulated upon the ball fields?
6) Ball fields: a captive flattened landscape surrounded by chain link fencing and dependent upon at least one civil servant riding a large, loud, gaseous lawn mower? If that's the scene of some kind of Civilization then I think I'm destined to be its enemy when I grow up.
7) Those balmy summer sunsets . . . at sunset there were those idyllic hide and seek games where the boys and girls played peaceably together and everyone was equal, the older and younger, big and small, the admired and the disliked . . . amid the fireflies . . . and then the institutionalist showed up to drag us away to their damn Little Leagues to establish and reinforce hierarchy.
8) A ball is the simplest of toys which can sometimes strip even the most dignified person with its fascinations. I can not hope to stop boys and girls from playing ball games. Nor can I hope to oppose the gushes of eleven year olds for the best ball players among their peers.
9) However, the institutionalization and ultimate hegemony of sports, beginning with the little leagues, consciously or not, conspiratorially or not, step by step, grade by grade, league by league, generation of adult overseers to generation of adult overseers, over time institutionalizes the leadership of those eleven year old ball stars for life. One day you woke up or you will wake up and some guys, who have been pampered for life by older men -- who have been pampered for life by older men -- are now, and perhaps always have been, in charge of the empire of which you are a part.
10) Is the preceding is a stretch? Here's the record: War since the day I was born. War for the last century. America at war for the last four hundred years. Can the wealthiest country on the planet claim four hundred years of victim-hood? There's a social mental illness here. And since the social sciences are on holiday, the homeless guy is left to address some unspoken issues.
11) OK, I'm taking a leap -- the regimentation that team sports require (and consider for example, the berating coaches, the formations, the repetitions, synchronizations etc.) combined with the origins of the immature standards of leadership, eleven year olds, will always point us to, if not lead us to, war.
12) We all know that going to war is often characterized by the stockpiling of weapons and very likely an arms race. But I want to postulate here that War also requires a well primed population willing to trade in any independent conscience for the sensations of hysteria and the delusional security of the group. I wonder where the population gets well primed?
Brian Joyce October 18, 2010
*Addenda: 1) Donors from India last week gave Harvard University its biggest monetary gift ever. [Time to say: "Rich get richer."] 2) Here in Greater Boston we have a national talk show host broadcaster who is also the author of a best selling book on the theme "Liberalism is a Mental Illness". 3)I am amazed at the vortextual appetite human beings, myself included, seem to have for information on Hitler and Nazism. 4)Next month the United States is holding elections after at least two years of aberrant nationalist stalemate politics. 5)Despite all of the aforementioned, STILL, the Social Science Departments of all the Institutions (All the king's horses and all the king's men) have had neither the sense nor the ability to produce a popular guide which provides the easily provable diagnosis that "Nationalism actually is a mental illness."
The original PSYCHIATRIST GENERAL fruitless complaint to the FCC concerning sports broadcasting (a complaint in a series in a lifetime of complaining) is at BJoyceArtEssays.blogspot.com
FAMILY: Fascist American Movement In Liberal Years.
I understand that Boston has more liquor stores per capita than most other major cities. It also has a very large underage population of college students. How did that happen?
Hey, Mom and Dad: The good thing about going to college in Boston is the proximity of liquor stores.
Hey, America: When do we start treating liquor providers like drug dealers?
Edophile: One who (self) consciously seeks to direct the interests of children through emotional, particularly Group Manic, means within the established educational or pseudo educational setting. Example: Little League Coaches. How could the world of boys survive if it wasn't for Little League Coaches turning them into Retriever Dogs?
All young children, they say, love making art with art materials. Then, around middle school. only a few children continue with art and the majority plead incompetence. To make it short, the reason that you don't know how to draw is because The Educational System has left you an illiterate of art (ilarterate) Suppose there was a world where children were taught to draw but not to write. Maybe that's the definition of the "Indigenous World".
SpaceExploration is primarily a propaganda event . . . . "Ahem. Ahem . . . . Let HISTORY record not what may have been learned but that the AMERICAN EMPIRE was the first . . . . And now Let US All pat ourselves on the back because THIS is the Greatest Country in the World . . . . In the NEXT WORLD . . . . IN ANY WORLD."
If we ever discovered intelligent life in space wouldn't we then have to devote our energies to reminding the UNIVERSE that EARTH IS THE GREATEST PLANET that ever WAS. Let us emphasize "WAS".
Infectious microbes will destroy any interplanetary intermingling. As soon as an Earthling enters a place that supports even the simpliest form of life that Earthing will introduce an invasive species of microbe. No, we have very little ability to control microbes. We can't control what is here never mind what is out there.
In America, children are taught the pledge of allegiance before they know how to write their own name. THE FLAG is religion. Ok. It is the icon of America's religion of WAR.
The American: "We create freedom. Won't (can't) you overlook our need to Kill?"
1. $The cost of one security guard ------ with shack ------ for babysitting atomic waste for the next 10,000 years.
2. $The cost of one soldier to babysit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington Cemetary, Washington D.C. ---- forever. Well, of course we must have a soldier there to guard he whom we do not know who may have given his life defending what may have been freedom ---- forever.
3. $The cost of cleaning up the Giant Floating Island of Plastic Trash in the Pacific Ocean. I know we American's can not be held responsible for the Giant Floating Island of Plastic Trash in the Pacific Ocean. And I know it's not in our territory . . . . And they can't prove it's our trash . . . . But, it turns out that while we were bringing freedom around the world ---- to those ungrateful ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT bastards ----- we ended up introducing more Plastic Floating Trash around the world than freedom.
Proposition: "I'm not too smart . . . but I respect Authority."
Conclusion: "And vice versa."
IN BRIEF [a poem]
The Weakesses of Democracy:
.Social Mania
.Dishonesty of Campaign Promises (Lying)
.Campaign Contibutions
Democracy isn't Democratic enough for me.
I favor election by lottery.
Don't throw your hat into the ring. Throw your ring into the hat.
Geographic Boundaries should be determined by WATERSHEDS, too.
Now I can die.
------ Brian Joyce ----- May 10. 2010
PS. That's the last of my military parodies.
Brian Joyce
Hub of Nowhere Studios
Deepest Darkest Dorchester
For More BJoyceArt links to Art, Opinion, Videos, and More go to BJoyceArt.blogspot.com
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